
University of Auckland

Dr Diana Albarrán González is a Native Latin American design researcher and craftivist from Mexico. She is a Lecturer in the Design programmes at Te Waka Tūhura | Elam School of Fine Arts & Design at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. In collaboration with Mayan weavers, her PhD research proposes Buen Vivir-Centric Design principles towards a fair-dignified life, based on collective well-being, textiles, crafts-design-arts, embodiment and creativity. With more than 18 years of international experience, she seeks to address challenges in a variety of contexts through a meaningful sense of culture, diversity awareness and sensitivity, and the exploration of connections between Oceania and Latin America.

Paper Title/s:

Wellbeing in dialogue: How to innovate design teaching through positionality, intersectionality and pluriversal approaches

Presenting In

Stream A: Panel Two